Attention Is Not Enough: Mitigating the Distribution Discrepancy in Asynchronous Multimodal Sequence Fusion

Tao Liang, Guosheng Lin, Lei Feng, Yan Zhang, Fengmao Lv; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, pp. 8148-8156


Videos flow as the mixture of language, acoustic, and vision modalities. A thorough video understanding needs to fuse time-series data of different modalities for prediction. Due to the variable receiving frequency for sequences from each modality, there usually exists inherent asynchrony across the collected multimodal streams. Towards an efficient multimodal fusion from asynchronous multimodal streams, we need to model the correlations between elements from different modalities. The recent Multimodal Transformer (MulT) approach extends the self-attention mechanism of the original Transformer network to learn the crossmodal dependencies between elements. However, the direct replication of self-attention will suffer from the distribution mismatch across different modality features. As a result, the learnt crossmodal dependencies can be unreliable. Motivated by this observation, this work proposes the Modality-Invariant Crossmodal Attention (MICA) approach towards learning crossmodal interactions over modality-invariant space in which the distribution mismatch between different modalities is well bridged. To this end, both the marginal distribution and the elements with high-confidence correlations are aligned over the common space of the query and key vectors which are computed from different modalities. Experiments on three standard benchmarks of multimodal video understanding clearly validate the superiority of our approach.

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@InProceedings{Liang_2021_ICCV, author = {Liang, Tao and Lin, Guosheng and Feng, Lei and Zhang, Yan and Lv, Fengmao}, title = {Attention Is Not Enough: Mitigating the Distribution Discrepancy in Asynchronous Multimodal Sequence Fusion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2021}, pages = {8148-8156} }