Consistency-Sensitivity Guided Ensemble Black-Box Adversarial Attacks in Low-Dimensional Spaces

Jianhe Yuan, Zhihai He; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, pp. 7778-7786


Black-box attacks aim to generate adversarial noise tofail the victim deep neural network in the black box. Thecentral task in black-box attack method design is to estimateand characterize the victim model in the high-dimensionalmodel space based on feedback results of queries submittedto the victim network. The central performance goal is tominimize the number of queries needed for successful at-tack. Existing attack methods directly search and refine theadversarial noise in an extremely high-dimensional space,requiring hundreds or even thousands queries to the victimnetwork. To address this challenge, we propose to explore aconsistency and sensitivity guided ensemble attack (CSEA)method in a low-dimensional space. Specifically, we esti-mate the victim model in the black box using a learned lin-ear composition of an ensemble of surrogate models withdiversified network structures. Using random block maskson the input image, these surrogate models jointly constructand submit randomized and sparsified queries to the victimmodel. Based on these query results and guided by a con-sistency constraint, the surrogate models can be trained us-ing a very small number of queries such that their learnedcomposition is able to accurately approximate the victimmodel in the high-dimensional space. The randomized andsparsified queries also provide important information for usto construct an attack sensitivity map for the input image,with which the adversarial attack can be locally refined tofurther increase its success rate. Our extensive experimen-tal results demonstrate that our proposed approach signifi-cantly reduces the number of queries to the victim networkwhile maintaining very high success rates, outperformingexisting black-box attack methods by large margins.

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@InProceedings{Yuan_2021_ICCV, author = {Yuan, Jianhe and He, Zhihai}, title = {Consistency-Sensitivity Guided Ensemble Black-Box Adversarial Attacks in Low-Dimensional Spaces}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2021}, pages = {7778-7786} }