Towards High-Quality Specular Highlight Removal by Leveraging Large-Scale Synthetic Data

Gang Fu, Qing Zhang, Lei Zhu, Chunxia Xiao, Ping Li; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023, pp. 12857-12865


This paper aims to remove specular highlights from a single object-level image. Although previous methods have made some progresses, their performance remains somewhat limited, particularly for real images with complex specular highlights. To this end, we propose a three-stage network to address them. Specifically, given an input image, we first decompose it into the albedo, shading, and specular residue components to estimate a coarse specular-free image. Then, we further refine the coarse result to alleviate its visual artifacts such as color distortion. Finally, we adjust the tone of the refined result to match the tone of the input as closely as possible. In addition, to facilitate network training and quantitative evaluation, we present a large-scale synthetic dataset of object-level images, covering diverse objects and illumination conditions. Extensive experiments illustrate that our network is able to generalize well to unseen real object-level images, and even produce good results for scene-level images with multiple background objects and complex lighting.

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@InProceedings{Fu_2023_ICCV, author = {Fu, Gang and Zhang, Qing and Zhu, Lei and Xiao, Chunxia and Li, Ping}, title = {Towards High-Quality Specular Highlight Removal by Leveraging Large-Scale Synthetic Data}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {12857-12865} }