SYENet: A Simple Yet Effective Network for Multiple Low-Level Vision Tasks with Real-Time Performance on Mobile Device

Weiran Gou, Ziyao Yi, Yan Xiang, Shaoqing Li, Zibin Liu, Dehui Kong, Ke Xu; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023, pp. 12182-12195


With the rapid development of AI hardware accelerators, applying deep learning-based algorithms to solve various low-level vision tasks on mobile devices has gradually become possible. However, two main problems still need to be solved. Firstly, most low-level vision algorithms are task-specific and independent to each other, which makes them difficult to integrate into a single neural network architecture and accelerate simultaneously without task-level time-multiplexing. Secondly, most of these networks feature large amounts of parameters and huge computational costs in terms of multiplication-and-accumulation operations, and thus it is difficult to achieve real-time performance, especially on mobile devices with limited computing power. To tackle with these problems, we propose a novel network, SYENet, with only 6K parameters. The SYENet consists of two asymmetrical branches with simple building blocks and is able to handle multiple low-level vision tasks on mobile devices in a real-time manner. To effectively connect the results by asymmetrical branches, a Quadratic Connection Unit(QCU) is proposed. Furthermore, in order to improve visual quality, a new Regression Focal Loss is proposed to process the image. The proposed method proves its superior performance with the best PSNR and visual quality as compared with other networks in real-time applications such as Image Signal Processing(ISP), Low-Light Enhancement(LLE), and Super-Resolution(SR) with 2K60FPS throughput on Qualcomm 8 Gen 1 mobile SoC(System-on-Chip). Particularly, for ISP task, SYENet got the highest score in MAI 2022 Learned Smartphone ISP challenge.

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@InProceedings{Gou_2023_ICCV, author = {Gou, Weiran and Yi, Ziyao and Xiang, Yan and Li, Shaoqing and Liu, Zibin and Kong, Dehui and Xu, Ke}, title = {SYENet: A Simple Yet Effective Network for Multiple Low-Level Vision Tasks with Real-Time Performance on Mobile Device}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {12182-12195} }