One-shot Implicit Animatable Avatars with Model-based Priors

Yangyi Huang, Hongwei Yi, Weiyang Liu, Haofan Wang, Boxi Wu, Wenxiao Wang, Binbin Lin, Debing Zhang, Deng Cai; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023, pp. 8974-8985


Existing neural rendering methods for creating human avatars typically either require dense input signals such as video or multi-view images, or leverage a learned prior from large-scale specific 3D human datasets such that reconstruction can be performed with sparse-view inputs. Most of these methods fail to achieve realistic reconstruction when only a single image is available. To enable the data-efficient creation of realistic animatable 3D humans, we propose ELICIT, a novel method for learning human-specific neural radiance fields from a single image. Inspired by the fact that humans can effortlessly estimate the body geometry and imagine full-body clothing from a single image, we leverage two priors in ELICIT: 3D geometry prior and visual semantic prior. Specifically, ELICIT utilizes the 3D body shape geometry prior from a skinned vertex-based template model (i.e., SMPL) and implements the visual clothing semantic prior with the CLIP-based pretrained models. Both priors are used to jointly guide the optimization for creating plausible content in the invisible areas. Taking advantage of the CLIP models, ELICIT can use text descriptions to generate text-conditioned unseen regions. In order to further improve visual details, we propose a segmentation-based sampling strategy that locally refines different parts of the avatar. Comprehensive evaluations on multiple popular benchmarks, including ZJU-MoCAP, Human3.6M, and DeepFashion, show that ELICIT has outperformed strong baseline methods of avatar creation when only a single image is available. The code is public for research purposes at

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@InProceedings{Huang_2023_ICCV, author = {Huang, Yangyi and Yi, Hongwei and Liu, Weiyang and Wang, Haofan and Wu, Boxi and Wang, Wenxiao and Lin, Binbin and Zhang, Debing and Cai, Deng}, title = {One-shot Implicit Animatable Avatars with Model-based Priors}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {8974-8985} }