AffordPose: A Large-Scale Dataset of Hand-Object Interactions with Affordance-Driven Hand Pose

Juntao Jian, Xiuping Liu, Manyi Li, Ruizhen Hu, Jian Liu; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023, pp. 14713-14724


How human interact with objects depends on the functional roles of the target objects, which introduces the problem of affordance-aware hand-object interaction. It requires a large number of human demonstrations for the learning and understanding of plausible and appropriate hand-object interactions. In this work, we present AffordPose, a large-scale dataset of hand-object interactions with affordance-driven hand pose. We first annotate the specific part-level affordance labels for each object, e.g. twist, pull, handle-grasp, etc, instead of the general intents such as use or handover, to indicate the purpose and guide the localization of the hand-object interactions. The fine-grained hand-object interactions reveal the influence of hand-centered affordances on the detailed arrangement of the hand poses, yet also exhibit a certain degree of diversity. We collect a total of 26.7K hand-object interactions, each including the 3D object shape, the part-level affordance label, and the manually adjusted hand poses. The comprehensive data analysis shows the common characteristics and diversity of hand-object interactions per affordance via the parameter statistics and contacting computation. We also conduct experiments on the tasks of hand-object affordance understanding and affordance-oriented hand-object interaction generation, to validate the effectiveness of our dataset in learning the fine-grained hand-object interactions. Project page: .

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@InProceedings{Jian_2023_ICCV, author = {Jian, Juntao and Liu, Xiuping and Li, Manyi and Hu, Ruizhen and Liu, Jian}, title = {AffordPose: A Large-Scale Dataset of Hand-Object Interactions with Affordance-Driven Hand Pose}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {14713-14724} }