DiffFit: Unlocking Transferability of Large Diffusion Models via Simple Parameter-efficient Fine-Tuning

Enze Xie, Lewei Yao, Han Shi, Zhili Liu, Daquan Zhou, Zhaoqiang Liu, Jiawei Li, Zhenguo Li; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023, pp. 4230-4239


Diffusion models have proven to be highly effective in generating high-quality images. However, adapting large pre-trained diffusion models to new domains remains an open challenge, which is critical for real-world applications. This paper proposes DiffFit, a parameter-efficient strategy to fine-tune large pre-trained diffusion models that enable fast adaptation to new domains. DiffFit is embarrassingly simple that only fine-tunes the bias term and newly-added scaling factors in specific layers, yet resulting in significant training speed-up and reduced model storage costs. Compared with full fine-tuning, DiffFit achieves 2x training speed-up and only needs to store approximately 0.12% of the total model parameters. Intuitive theoretical analysis has been provided to justify the efficacy of scaling factors on fast adaptation. On 8 downstream datasets, DiffFit achieves superior or competitive performances compared to the full fine-tuning while being more efficient. Remarkably, we show that DiffFit can adapt a pre-trained low-resolution generative model to a high-resolution one by adding minimal cost. Among diffusion-based methods, DiffFit sets a new state-of-the-art FID of 3.02 on ImageNet 512x512 benchmark by fine-tuning only 25 epochs from a public pre-trained ImageNet 256x256 checkpoint while being 30x more training efficient than the closest competitor.

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@InProceedings{Xie_2023_ICCV, author = {Xie, Enze and Yao, Lewei and Shi, Han and Liu, Zhili and Zhou, Daquan and Liu, Zhaoqiang and Li, Jiawei and Li, Zhenguo}, title = {DiffFit: Unlocking Transferability of Large Diffusion Models via Simple Parameter-efficient Fine-Tuning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {4230-4239} }