Few-Shot Learning of Part-Specific Probability Space for 3D Shape Segmentation

Lingjing Wang, Xiang Li, Yi Fang; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020, pp. 4504-4513


Recently, deep neural networks are introduced as supervised discriminative models for the learning of 3D point cloud segmentation. Most previous supervised methods require a large number of training data with human annotation part labels to guide the training process to ensure the model's generalization abilities on test data. In comparison, we propose a novel 3D shape segmentation method that requires few labeled data for training. Given an input 3D shape, the training of our model starts with identifying a similar 3D shape with part annotations from a mini-pool of shape templates (e.g. 10 shapes). With the selected template shape, a novel Coherent Point Transformer is proposed to fully leverage the power of a deep neural network to smoothly morph the template shape towards the input shape. Then, based on the transformed template shapes with part labels, a newly proposed Part-specific Density Estimator is developed to learn a continuous part-specific probability distribution function on the entire 3D space with a batch consistency regularization term. With the learned part-specific probability distribution, our model is able to predict the part labels of a new input 3D shape in an end-to-end manner. We demonstrate that our proposed method can achieve remarkable segmentation results on the ShapeNet dataset with few shots, compared to previous supervised learning approaches.

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author = {Wang, Lingjing and Li, Xiang and Fang, Yi},
title = {Few-Shot Learning of Part-Specific Probability Space for 3D Shape Segmentation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}