Modeling the Anisotropic Reflectance of a Surface With Microstructure Engineered to Obtain Visible Contrast After Rotation

Andrea Luongo, Viggo Falster, Mads Brix Doest, Dongya Li, Francesco Regi, Yang Zhang, Guido Tosello, Jannik Boll Nielsen, Henrik Aanaes, Jeppe Revall Frisvad; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017, pp. 159-165


Engineering of surface structure to obtain specific anisotropic reflectance properties has interesting applications in large scale production of plastic items. In recent work, surface structure has been engineered to obtain visible reflectance contrast when observing a surface before and after rotating it 90 degrees around its normal axis. We build an analytic anisotropic reflectance model based on the microstructure engineered to obtain such contrast. Using our model to render synthetic images, we predict the above mentioned contrasts and compare our predictions with the measurements reported in previous work. The benefit of an analytical model like the one we provide is its potential to be used in computer vision for estimating the quality of a surface sample. The quality of a sample is indicated by the resemblance of camera-based contrast measurements with contrasts predicted for an idealized surface structure. Our predictive model is also useful in optimization of the microstructure configuration, where the objective for example could be to maximize reflectance contrast.

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author = {Luongo, Andrea and Falster, Viggo and Brix Doest, Mads and Li, Dongya and Regi, Francesco and Zhang, Yang and Tosello, Guido and Boll Nielsen, Jannik and Aanaes, Henrik and Revall Frisvad, Jeppe},
title = {Modeling the Anisotropic Reflectance of a Surface With Microstructure Engineered to Obtain Visible Contrast After Rotation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops},
month = {Oct},
year = {2017}