CLAM: Coupled Localization and Mapping with Efficient Outlier Handling

Jonathan Balzer, Stefano Soatto; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, pp. 1554-1561


We describe a method to efficiently generate a model (map) of small-scale objects from video. The map encodes sparse geometry as well as coarse photometry, and could be used to initialize dense reconstruction schemes as well as to support recognition and localization of three-dimensional objects. Self-occlusions and the predominance of outliers present a challenge to existing online Structure From Motion and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping systems. We propose a unified inference criterion that encompasses map building and localization (object detection) relative to the map in a coupled fashion. We establish correspondence in a computationally efficient way without resorting to combinatorial matching or random-sampling techniques. Instead, we use a simpler M-estimator that exploits putative correspondence from tracking after photometric and topological validation. We have collected a new dataset to benchmark model building in the small scale, which we test our algorithm on in comparison to others. Although our system is significantly leaner than previous ones, it compares favorably to the state of the art in terms of accuracy and robustness.

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author = {Balzer, Jonathan and Soatto, Stefano},
title = {CLAM: Coupled Localization and Mapping with Efficient Outlier Handling},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2013}