Who Do I Look Like? Determining Parent-Offspring Resemblance via Gated Autoencoders
Afshin Dehghan, Enrique G. Ortiz, Ruben Villegas, Mubarak Shah; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014, pp. 1757-1764
Recent years have seen a major push for face recognition technology due to the large expansion of image sharing on social networks. In this paper, we consider the difficult task of determining parent-offspring resemblance using deep learning to answer the question "Who do I look like?" Although humans can perform this job at a rate higher than chance, it is not clear how they do it [2]. However, recent studies in anthropology [24] have determined which features tend to be the most discriminative. In this study, we aim to not only create an accurate system for resemblance detection, but bridge the gap between studies in anthropology with computer vision techniques. Further, we aim to answer two key questions: 1) Do offspring resemble their parents? and 2) Do offspring resemble one parent more than the other? We propose an algorithm that fuses the features and metrics discovered via gated autoencoders with a discriminative neural network layer that learns the optimal, or what we call genetic, features to delineate parent-offspring relationships. We further analyze the correlation between our automatically detected features and those found in anthropological studies. Meanwhile, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in kinship verification by 3-10% depending on the relationship using specific (father-son, mother-daughter, etc.) and generic models.
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author = {Dehghan, Afshin and Ortiz, Enrique G. and Villegas, Ruben and Shah, Mubarak},
title = {Who Do I Look Like? Determining Parent-Offspring Resemblance via Gated Autoencoders},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2014}