Stereo under Sequential Optimal Sampling: A Statistical Analysis Framework for Search Space Reduction
Yilin Wang, Ke Wang, Enrique Dunn, Jan-Michael Frahm; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014, pp. 485-492
We develop a sequential optimal sampling framework for stereo disparity estimation by adapting the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) model. We operate over local image neighborhoods by iteratively estimating single pixel disparity values until sufficient evidence has been gathered to either validate or contradict the current hypothesis regarding local scene structure. The output of our sampling is a set of sampled pixel positions along with a robust and compact estimate of the set of disparities contained within a given region. We further propose an efficient plane propagation mechanism that leverages the pre-computed sampling positions and the local structure model described by the reduced local disparity set. Our sampling framework is a general pre-processing mechanism aimed at reducing computational complexity of disparity search algorithms by ascertaining a reduced set of disparity hypotheses for each pixel. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach when compared to state of the art methods.
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author = {Wang, Yilin and Wang, Ke and Dunn, Enrique and Frahm, Jan-Michael},
title = {Stereo under Sequential Optimal Sampling: A Statistical Analysis Framework for Search Space Reduction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2014}