Deep Networks for Saliency Detection via Local Estimation and Global Search
Lijun Wang, Huchuan Lu, Xiang Ruan, Ming-Hsuan Yang; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015, pp. 3183-3192
This paper presents a saliency detection algorithm by integrating both local estimation and global search. In the local estimation stage, we detect local saliency by using a deep neural network (DNN-L) which learns local patch features to determine the saliency value of each pixel. The estimated local saliency maps are further refined by exploring the high level object concept. In the global search stage, the local saliency map together with global contrast and geometric information are used as global features to describe a set of object candidate regions. Another deep neural network (DNN-G) is trained to predict the saliency score of each object region based on the global features. The final saliency map is generated by a weighted sum of salient object regions. Our method presents two interesting insights. First, local features learned by a supervised scheme can effectively capture local contrast, texture and shape information for saliency detection. Second, complex relationship between different global saliency cues can be captured by deep networks and exploited principally rather than heuristically. Quantitative and qualitative experiments on large benchmark data sets demonstrate that our algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods.
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author = {Wang, Lijun and Lu, Huchuan and Ruan, Xiang and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
title = {Deep Networks for Saliency Detection via Local Estimation and Global Search},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2015}