Semantic Channels for Fast Pedestrian Detection
Arthur Daniel Costea, Sergiu Nedevschi; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016, pp. 2360-2368
Pedestrian detection and semantic segmentation are high potential tasks for many real-time applications. However most of the top performing approaches provide state of art results at high computational costs. In this work we propose a fast solution for achieving state of art results for both pedestrian detection and semantic segmentation. As baseline for pedestrian detection we use sliding windows over cost efficient multiresolution filtered LUV+HOG channels. We use the same channels for classifying pixels into eight semantic classes. Using short range and long range multiresolution channel features we achieve more robust segmentation results compared to traditional codebook based approaches at much lower computational costs. The resulting segmentations are used as additional semantic channels in order to achieve a more powerful pedestrian detector. To also achieve fast pedestrian detection we employ a multiscale detection scheme based on a single flexible pedestrian model and a single image scale. The proposed solution provides competitive results on both pedestrian detection and semantic segmentation benchmarks at 8 FPS on CPU and at 15 FPS on GPU, being the fastest top performing approach.
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author = {Costea, Arthur Daniel and Nedevschi, Sergiu},
title = {Semantic Channels for Fast Pedestrian Detection},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2016}