A Hierarchical Generative Model for Eye Image Synthesis and Eye Gaze Estimation
Kang Wang, Rui Zhao, Qiang Ji; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 440-448
In this work, we introduce a Hierarchical Generative Model (HGM) to enable realistic forward eye image synthe- sis, as well as effective backward eye gaze estimation. The proposed HGM consists of a hierarchical generative shape model (HGSM), and a conditional bidirectional generative adversarial network (c-BiGAN). The HGSM encodes eye ge- ometry knowledge and relates eye gaze with eye shape, while c-BiGAN leverages on big data and captures the dependency between eye shape and eye appearance. As an intermedi- ate component, eye shape connects knowledge-based model (HGSM) with data-driven model (c-BiGAN) and enables bidirectional inference. Through a top-down inference, the HGM can synthesize eye images consistent with the given eye gaze. Through a bottom-up inference, HGM can infer eye gaze effectively from a given eye image. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate our model’s effectiveness on both eye image synthesis and eye gaze estimation. In addition, the proposed model is not restricted to eye images only. It can be adapted to face images and any shape-appearance related fields.
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author = {Wang, Kang and Zhao, Rui and Ji, Qiang},
title = {A Hierarchical Generative Model for Eye Image Synthesis and Eye Gaze Estimation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2018}