Missing Slice Recovery for Tensors Using a Low-Rank Model in Embedded Space
Tatsuya Yokota, Burak Erem, Seyhmus Guler, Simon K. Warfield, Hidekata Hontani; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 8251-8259
Let us consider a case where all of the elements in some continuous slices are missing in tensor data. In this case, the nuclear-norm and total variation regularization methods usually fail to recover the missing elements. The key problem is capturing some delay/shift-invariant structure. In this study, we consider a low-rank model in an embedded space of a tensor. For this purpose, we extend a delay embedding for a time series to a ``multi-way delay-embedding transform'' for a tensor, which takes a given incomplete tensor as the input and outputs a higher-order incomplete Hankel tensor. The higher-order tensor is then recovered by Tucker-based low-rank tensor factorization. Finally, an estimated tensor can be obtained by using the inverse multi-way delay embedding transform of the recovered higher-order tensor. Our experiments showed that the proposed method successfully recovered missing slices for some color images and functional magnetic resonance images.
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author = {Yokota, Tatsuya and Erem, Burak and Guler, Seyhmus and Warfield, Simon K. and Hontani, Hidekata},
title = {Missing Slice Recovery for Tensors Using a Low-Rank Model in Embedded Space},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2018}