A Temporal Scheme for Fast Learning of Image-Patch Correspondences in Realistic Multi-camera Setups

Jens Eisenbach, Christian Conrad, Rudolf Mester; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2013, pp. 808-815


This paper addresses the problem of finding corresponding image patches in multi-camera video streams by means of an unsupervised learning method. We determine patchto-patch correspondence relations ('correspondence priors') merely using information from a temporal change detection. Correspondence priors are essential for geometric multi-camera calibration, but are useful also for further vision tasks such as object tracking and recognition. Since any change detection method with reasonably performance can be applied, our method can be used as an encapsulated processing module and be integrated into existing systems without major structural changes. The only assumption that is made is that relative orientation of pairs of cameras may be arbitrary, but fixed, and that the observed scene shows visual activity. Experimental results show the applicability of the presented approach in real world scenarios where the camera views show large differences in orientation and position. Furthermore we show that a classic spatial matching pipeline, e.g., based on SIFT will typically fail to determine correspondences in these kinds of scenarios.

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author = {Eisenbach, Jens and Conrad, Christian and Mester, Rudolf},
title = {A Temporal Scheme for Fast Learning of Image-Patch Correspondences in Realistic Multi-camera Setups},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
month = {June},
year = {2013}