Learning to Share Latent Tasks for Action Recognition
Qiang Zhou, Gang Wang, Kui Jia, Qi Zhao; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013, pp. 2264-2271
Sharing knowledge for multiple related machine learning tasks is an effective strategy to improve the generalization performance. In this paper, we investigate knowledge sharing across categories for action recognition in videos. The motivation is that many action categories are related, where common motion pattern are shared among them (e.g. diving and high jump share the jump motion). We propose a new multi-task learning method to learn latent tasks shared across categories, and reconstruct a classifier for each category from these latent tasks. Compared to previous methods, our approach has two advantages: (1) The learned latent tasks correspond to basic motion patterns instead of full actions, thus enhancing discrimination power of the classifiers. (2) Categories are selected to share information with a sparsity regularizer, avoiding falsely forcing all categories to share knowledge. Experimental results on multiple public data sets show that the proposed approach can effectively transfer knowledge between different action categories to improve the performance of conventional single task learning methods.
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author = {Zhou, Qiang and Wang, Gang and Jia, Kui and Zhao, Qi},
title = {Learning to Share Latent Tasks for Action Recognition},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2013}