End-To-End Learning of Geometry and Context for Deep Stereo Regression

Alex Kendall, Hayk Martirosyan, Saumitro Dasgupta, Peter Henry, Ryan Kennedy, Abraham Bachrach, Adam Bry; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017, pp. 66-75


We propose a novel deep learning architecture for regressing disparity from a rectified pair of stereo images. We leverage knowledge of the problem's geometry to form a cost volume using deep feature representations. We learn to incorporate contextual information using 3-D convolutions over this volume. Disparity values are regressed from the cost volume using a proposed differentiable soft argmin operation, which allows us to train our method end-to-end to sub-pixel accuracy without any additional post-processing or regularization. We evaluate our method on the Scene Flow and KITTI datasets and on KITTI we set a new state-of-the-art benchmark, while being significantly faster than competing approaches.

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author = {Kendall, Alex and Martirosyan, Hayk and Dasgupta, Saumitro and Henry, Peter and Kennedy, Ryan and Bachrach, Abraham and Bry, Adam},
title = {End-To-End Learning of Geometry and Context for Deep Stereo Regression},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {Oct},
year = {2017}