[bibtex]@InProceedings{Campari_2022_CVPR, author = {Campari, Tommaso and Lamanna, Leonardo and Traverso, Paolo and Serafini, Luciano and Ballan, Lamberto}, title = {Online Learning of Reusable Abstract Models for Object Goal Navigation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2022}, pages = {14870-14879} }
Online Learning of Reusable Abstract Models for Object Goal Navigation
In this paper, we present a novel approach to incrementally learn an Abstract Model of an unknown environment, and show how an agent can reuse the learned model for tackling the Object Goal Navigation task. The Abstract Model is a finite state machine in which each state is an abstraction of a state of the environment, as perceived by the agent in a certain position and orientation. The perceptions are high-dimensional sensory data (e.g., RGB-D images), and the abstraction is reached by exploiting image segmentation and the Taskonomy model bank. The learning of the Abstract Model is accomplished by executing actions, observing the reached state, and updating the Abstract Model with the acquired information. The learned models are memorized by the agent, and they are reused whenever it recognizes to be in an environment that corresponds to the stored model. We investigate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the Object Goal Navigation task, relying on public benchmarks. Our results show that the reuse of learned Abstract Models can boost performance on Object Goal Navigation.
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