(ML)$^2$P-Encoder: On Exploration of Channel-Class Correlation for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning

Ziming Liu, Song Guo, Xiaocheng Lu, Jingcai Guo, Jiewei Zhang, Yue Zeng, Fushuo Huo; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023, pp. 23859-23868


Recent studies usually approach multi-label zero-shot learning (MLZSL) with visual-semantic mapping on spatial-class correlation, which can be computationally costly, and worse still, fails to capture fine-grained class-specific semantics. We observe that different channels may usually have different sensitivities on classes, which can correspond to specific semantics. Such an intrinsic channel-class correlation suggests a potential alternative for the more accurate and class-harmonious feature representations. In this paper, our interest is to fully explore the power of channel-class correlation as the unique base for MLZSL. Specifically, we propose a light yet efficient Multi-Label Multi-Layer Perceptron-based Encoder, dubbed (ML)^2P-Encoder, to extract and preserve channel-wise semantics. We reorganize the generated feature maps into several groups, of which each of them can be trained independently with (ML)^2P-Encoder. On top of that, a global group-wise attention module is further designed to build the multi-label specific class relationships among different classes, which eventually fulfills a novel Channel-Class Correlation MLZSL framework (C^3-MLZSL). Extensive experiments on large-scale MLZSL benchmarks including NUS-WIDE and Open-Images-V4 demonstrate the superiority of our model against other representative state-of-the-art models.

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@InProceedings{Liu_2023_CVPR, author = {Liu, Ziming and Guo, Song and Lu, Xiaocheng and Guo, Jingcai and Zhang, Jiewei and Zeng, Yue and Huo, Fushuo}, title = {(ML)\${\textasciicircum}2\$P-Encoder: On Exploration of Channel-Class Correlation for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2023}, pages = {23859-23868} }