PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning With Physics-Based Optimization

Chen Wang, Dasong Gao, Kuan Xu, Junyi Geng, Yaoyu Hu, Yuheng Qiu, Bowen Li, Fan Yang, Brady Moon, Abhinav Pandey, Aryan, Jiahe Xu, Tianhao Wu, Haonan He, Daning Huang, Zhongqiang Ren, Shibo Zhao, Taimeng Fu, Pranay Reddy, Xiao Lin, Wenshan Wang, Jingnan Shi, Rajat Talak, Kun Cao, Yi Du, Han Wang, Huai Yu, Shanzhao Wang, Siyu Chen, Ananth Kashyap, Rohan Bandaru, Karthik Dantu, Jiajun Wu, Lihua Xie, Luca Carlone, Marco Hutter, Sebastian Scherer; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023, pp. 22024-22034


Deep learning has had remarkable success in robotic perception, but its data-centric nature suffers when it comes to generalizing to ever-changing environments. By contrast, physics-based optimization generalizes better, but it does not perform as well in complicated tasks due to the lack of high-level semantic information and reliance on manual parametric tuning. To take advantage of these two complementary worlds, we present PyPose: a robotics-oriented, PyTorch-based library that combines deep perceptual models with physics-based optimization. PyPose's architecture is tidy and well-organized, it has an imperative style interface and is efficient and user-friendly, making it easy to integrate into real-world robotic applications. Besides, it supports parallel computing of any order gradients of Lie groups and Lie algebras and 2nd-order optimizers, such as trust region methods. Experiments show that PyPose achieves more than 10x speedup in computation compared to the state-of-the-art libraries. To boost future research, we provide concrete examples for several fields of robot learning, including SLAM, planning, control, and inertial navigation.

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@InProceedings{Wang_2023_CVPR, author = {Wang, Chen and Gao, Dasong and Xu, Kuan and Geng, Junyi and Hu, Yaoyu and Qiu, Yuheng and Li, Bowen and Yang, Fan and Moon, Brady and Pandey, Abhinav and Aryan and Xu, Jiahe and Wu, Tianhao and He, Haonan and Huang, Daning and Ren, Zhongqiang and Zhao, Shibo and Fu, Taimeng and Reddy, Pranay and Lin, Xiao and Wang, Wenshan and Shi, Jingnan and Talak, Rajat and Cao, Kun and Du, Yi and Wang, Han and Yu, Huai and Wang, Shanzhao and Chen, Siyu and Kashyap, Ananth and Bandaru, Rohan and Dantu, Karthik and Wu, Jiajun and Xie, Lihua and Carlone, Luca and Hutter, Marco and Scherer, Sebastian}, title = {PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning With Physics-Based Optimization}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2023}, pages = {22024-22034} }