A Global-Local Tracking Framework Driven by Both Motion and Appearance for Infrared Anti-UAV

Yifan Li, Dian Yuan, Meng Sun, Hongyu Wang, Xiaotao Liu, Jing Liu; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2023, pp. 3026-3035


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in various application domains, but unauthorized UAVs may pose a threat to public safety due to violation of aviation regulations. Therefore, how to design an effective UAV tracking method for anti-UAV is a crucial part of the UAV defense system. In this paper, we propose a Global-Local Tracking Framework driven by both Motion and Appearance (GLTF-MA) including four modules to deal with the practical difficulties in infrared anti-UAV. Firstly, a Periodic Global Detection (PGD) module is periodically performed to re-locate UAVs in the whole image to account for frequent appearance/disappearance and unstable flight paths of UAVs. Meanwhile, a Multi-stage Local Tracking (MLT) module containing a priori stage switching mechanism, motion-appearance matching mechanism, and a motion estimation punisher is routinely implemented to deal with the tiny size of UAVs and background interference. Next, a Target Disappearance Judgement (TDJ) module is performed to give a robust target disappearance flag, followed by a Bounding Box Refinement (BBR) module to refine the target box when the TDJ module thinks the target exists. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of GLTF-MA over other competing counterparts, especially when the UAV is low resolution and moves quickly.

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@InProceedings{Li_2023_CVPR, author = {Li, Yifan and Yuan, Dian and Sun, Meng and Wang, Hongyu and Liu, Xiaotao and Liu, Jing}, title = {A Global-Local Tracking Framework Driven by Both Motion and Appearance for Infrared Anti-UAV}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2023}, pages = {3026-3035} }