Robustness Analysis on Foundational Segmentation Models

Madeline Chantry Schiappa, Shehreen Azad, Sachidanand Vs, Yunhao Ge, Ondrej Miksik, Yogesh S Rawat, Vibhav Vineet; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2024, pp. 1786-1796


Due to the increase in computational resources and accessibility of data an increase in large deep learning models trained on copious amounts of multi-modal data using self-supervised or semi-supervised learning have emerged. These "foundation" models are often adapted to a variety of downstream tasks like classification object detection and segmentation with little-to-no training on the target dataset. In this work we perform a robustness analysis of Visual Foundation Models (VFMs) for segmentation tasks and focus on robustness against real-world distribution shift inspired perturbations. We benchmark seven state-of-the-art segmentation architectures using 2 different perturbed datasets MS COCO-P and ADE20K-P with 17 different perturbations with 5 severity levels each. Our findings reveal several key insights: (1) VFMs exhibit vulnerabilities to compression-induced corruptions (2) despite not outpacing all of unimodal models in robustness multimodal models show competitive resilience in zero-shot scenarios and (3) VFMs demonstrate enhanced robustness for certain object categories. These observations suggest that our robustness evaluation framework sets new requirements for foundational models encouraging further advancements to bolster their adaptability and performance. The code and dataset is available at:

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@InProceedings{Schiappa_2024_CVPR, author = {Schiappa, Madeline Chantry and Azad, Shehreen and Vs, Sachidanand and Ge, Yunhao and Miksik, Ondrej and Rawat, Yogesh S and Vineet, Vibhav}, title = {Robustness Analysis on Foundational Segmentation Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {1786-1796} }