[bibtex]@InProceedings{Cao_2023_ICCV, author = {Cao, Guiping and Luo, Shengda and Huang, Wenjian and Lan, Xiangyuan and Jiang, Dongmei and Wang, Yaowei and Zhang, Jianguo}, title = {Strip-MLP: Efficient Token Interaction for Vision MLP}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {1494-1504} }
Strip-MLP: Efficient Token Interaction for Vision MLP
Token interaction operation is one of the core modules in MLP-based models to exchange and aggregate information between different spatial locations. However, the power of token interaction on the spatial dimension is highly dependent on the spatial resolution of the feature maps, which limits the model's expressive ability, especially in deep layers where the feature are down-sampled to a small spatial size. To address this issue, we present a novel method called Strip-MLP to enrich the token interaction power in three ways. Firstly, we introduce a new MLP paradigm called Strip MLP layer that allows the token to interact with other tokens in a cross-strip manner, enabling the tokens in a row (or column) contribute to the information aggregations in adjacent but different strips of rows (or columns). Secondly, a Cascade Group Strip Mixing Module (CGSMM) is proposed to overcome the performance degradation caused by small spatial feature size. The module allows tokens to interact more effectively in the manners of within-patch and cross-patch, which is independent to the feature spatial size. Finally, based on the Strip MLP layer, we propose a novel Local Strip Mixing Module (LSMM) to boost the token interaction power in the local region. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Strip-MLP significantly improves the performance of MLP-based models on small datasets and obtains comparable or even better results on ImageNet with great superiorities on the number of parameters and FLOPs. In particular, Strip-MLP models achieve higher average Top-1 accuracy than existing MLP-based models by +2.44% on Caltech-101 and +2.16% on CIFAR-100. The source codes will be available at https://github.com/Med-Process/Strip_MLP.
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