Extending TrOCR for Text Localization-Free OCR of Full-Page Scanned Receipt Images

Hongkuan Zhang, Edward Whittaker, Ikuo Kitagishi; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 2023, pp. 1479-1485


Digitization of scanned receipts aims to extract text from receipt images and save it into structured documents. This is usually split into two sub-tasks: text localization and optical character recognition (OCR). Most existing OCR models only focus on the cropped text instance images, which require the bounding box information provided by a text region detection model. Introducing an additional detector to identify the text instance images in advance adds complexity, however instance-level OCR models have very low accuracy when processing the whole image for the document-level OCR, such as receipt images containing multiple text lines arranged in various layouts. To this end, we propose a localization-free document-level OCR model for transcribing all the characters in a receipt image into an ordered sequence end-to-end. Specifically, we finetune the pretrained instance-level model TrOCR with randomly cropped image chunks, and gradually increase the image chunk size to generalize the recognition ability from instance images to full-page images. In our experiments on the SROIE receipt OCR dataset, the model finetuned with our strategy achieved 64.4 F1-score and a 22.8% character error rate (CER), respectively, which outperforms the baseline results with 48.5 F1-score and 50.6% CER. The best model, which splits the full image into 15 equally sized chunks, gives 87.8 F1-score and 4.98% CER with minimal additional pre or post-processing of the output. Moreover, the characters in the generated document-level sequences are arranged in the reading order, which is practical for real-world applications.

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[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Zhang_2023_ICCV, author = {Zhang, Hongkuan and Whittaker, Edward and Kitagishi, Ikuo}, title = {Extending TrOCR for Text Localization-Free OCR of Full-Page Scanned Receipt Images}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops}, month = {October}, year = {2023}, pages = {1479-1485} }