Semantic Segmentation With Active Semi-Supervised Learning

Aneesh Rangnekar, Christopher Kanan, Matthew Hoffman; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023, pp. 5966-5977


Using deep learning, we now have the ability to create exceptionally good semantic segmentation systems; however, collecting the prerequisite pixel-wise annotations for training images remains expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, it would be ideal to minimize the number of human annotations needed when creating a new dataset. Here, we address this problem by proposing a novel algorithm that combines active learning and semi-supervised learning. Active learning is an approach for identifying the best unlabeled samples to annotate. While there has been work on active learning for segmentation, most methods require annotating all pixel objects in each image, rather than only the most informative regions. We argue that this is inefficient. Instead, our active learning approach aims to minimize the number of annotations per image. Our method is enriched with semi-supervised learning, where we use pseudo labels generated with a teacher-student framework to identify image regions that help disambiguate confused classes. We also integrate mechanisms that enable better performance on imbalanced label distributions, which have not been studied previously for active learning in semantic segmentation. In experiments on the CamVid and CityScapes datasets, our method obtains over 95% of the network's performance on the full-training set using less than 17% of the training data, whereas the previous state of the art required 40% of the training data.

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@InProceedings{Rangnekar_2023_WACV, author = {Rangnekar, Aneesh and Kanan, Christopher and Hoffman, Matthew}, title = {Semantic Segmentation With Active Semi-Supervised Learning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, month = {January}, year = {2023}, pages = {5966-5977} }