Social-IQ: A Question Answering Benchmark for Artificial Social Intelligence
Amir Zadeh, Michael Chan, Paul Pu Liang, Edmund Tong, Louis-Philippe Morency; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019, pp. 8807-8817
As intelligent systems increasingly blend into our everyday life, artificial social intelligence becomes a prominent area of research. Intelligent systems must be socially intelligent in order to comprehend human intents and maintain a rich level of interaction with humans. Human language offers a unique unconstrained approach to probe through questions and reason through answers about social situations. This unconstrained approach extends previous attempts to model social intelligence through numeric supervision (e.g. sentiment and emotions labels). In this paper, we introduce Social-IQ, a unconstrained benchmark specifically designed to train and evaluate socially intelligent technologies. By providing a rich source of open-ended questions and answers, Social-IQ opens the door to explainable social intelligence. The dataset contains rigorously annotated and validated videos, questions and answers, as well as annotations for the complexity level of each question and answer. Social-IQ contains 1,250 natural in-the-wild social situations, 7,500 questions and 52,500 correct and incorrect answers. Although humans can reason about social situations with very high accuracy (95.08%), existing state-of-the-art computational models struggle on this task. As a result, Social-IQ brings novel challenges that will spark future research in social intelligence modeling, visual reasoning, and multimodal question answering (QA).
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author = {Zadeh, Amir and Chan, Michael and Liang, Paul Pu and Tong, Edmund and Morency, Louis-Philippe},
title = {Social-IQ: A Question Answering Benchmark for Artificial Social Intelligence},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2019}