Simultaneous Super-Resolution of Depth and Images Using a Single Camera

Hee Seok Lee, Kuoung Mu Lee; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, pp. 281-288


In this paper, we propose a convex optimization framework for simultaneous estimation of super-resolved depth map and images from a single moving camera. The pixel measurement error in 3D reconstruction is directly related to the resolution of the images at hand. In turn, even a small measurement error can cause significant errors in reconstructing 3D scene structure or camera pose. Therefore, enhancing image resolution can be an effective solution for securing the accuracy as well as the resolution of 3D reconstruction. In the proposed method, depth map estimation and image super-resolution are formulated in a single energy minimization framework with a convex function and solved efficiently by a first-order primal-dual algorithm. Explicit inter-frame pixel correspondences are not required for our super-resolution procedure, thus we can avoid a huge computation time and obtain improved depth map in the accuracy and resolution as well as highresolution images with reasonable time. The superiority of our algorithm is demonstrated by presenting the improved depth map accuracy, image super-resolution results, and camera pose estimation.

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author = {Seok Lee, Hee and Mu Lee, Kuoung},
title = {Simultaneous Super-Resolution of Depth and Images Using a Single Camera},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2013}