Radial Distortion Homography
Zuzana Kukelova, Jan Heller, Martin Bujnak, Tomas Pajdla; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015, pp. 639-647
The importance of precise homography estimation is often underestimated even though it plays a crucial role in various vision applications such as plane or planarity detection, scene degeneracy tests, camera motion classification, image stitching, and many more. Ignoring the radial distortion component in homography estimation---even for classical perspective cameras---may lead to significant errors or totally wrong estimates. In this paper, we fill the gap among the homography estimation methods by presenting two algorithms for estimating homography between two cameras with different radial distortions. Both algorithms can handle planar scenes as well as scenes where the relative motion between the cameras is a pure rotation. The first algorithm uses the minimal number of five image point correspondences and solves a nonlinear system of polynomial equations using the Groebner basis method. The second algorithm uses a non-minimal number of six image point correspondences and leads to a simple system of two quadratic equations in two unknowns and one system of six linear equations. The proposed algorithms are fast, stable, and can be efficiently used inside a RANSAC loop.
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author = {Kukelova, Zuzana and Heller, Jan and Bujnak, Martin and Pajdla, Tomas},
title = {Radial Distortion Homography},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2015}