Predicting the Where and What of Actors and Actions Through Online Action Localization

Khurram Soomro, Haroon Idrees, Mubarak Shah; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016, pp. 2648-2657


This paper proposes a novel approach to tackle the challenging problem of 'online action localization' which entails predicting actions and their locations as they happen in a video. Typically, action localization or recognition is performed in an offline manner where all the frames in the video are processed together and action labels are not predicted for the future. This dis-allows timely localization of actions - an important consideration for surveillance tasks. In our approach, given a batch of frames from the immediate past in a video, we estimate pose and over- segment the current frame into superpixels. Next, we discriminatively train an actor foreground model on the superpixels using the pose bounding boxes. A Conditional Random Field with superpixels as nodes, and edges connecting spatio-temporal neighbors is used to obtain action segments. The action confidence is predicted using dynamic programming on SVM scores obtained on short segments of the video, thereby capturing sequential information of the actions. The issue of visual drift is handled by updating the appearance model and pose refinement in an online manner. Lastly, we introduce a new measure to quantify the performance of action prediction (i.e. online action localization), which analyzes how the prediction accuracy varies as a function of observed portion of the video. Our experiments suggest that despite using only a few frames to localize actions at each time instant, we are able to predict the action and obtain competitive results to state-of-the-art offline methods.

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author = {Soomro, Khurram and Idrees, Haroon and Shah, Mubarak},
title = {Predicting the Where and What of Actors and Actions Through Online Action Localization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2016}