Event-Based Visual Inertial Odometry

Alex Zihao Zhu, Nikolay Atanasov, Kostas Daniilidis; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017, pp. 5391-5399


Event-based cameras provide a new visual sensing model by detecting changes in image intensity asynchronously across all pixels on the camera. By providing these events at extremely high rates (up to 1MHz), they allow for sensing in both high speed and high dynamic range situations where traditional cameras may fail. In this paper, we present the first algorithm to fuse a purely event-based tracking algorithm with an inertial measurement unit, to provide accurate metric tracking of a camera's full 6dof pose. Our algorithm is asynchronous, and provides measurement updates at a rate proportional to the camera velocity. The algorithm selects features in the image plane, and tracks spatiotemporal windows around these features within the event stream. An Extended Kalman Filter with a structureless measurement model then fuses the feature tracks with the output of the IMU. The camera poses from the filter are then used to initialize the next step of the tracker and reject failed tracks. We show that our method successfully tracks camera motion on the Event-Camera Dataset in a number of challenging situations.

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author = {Zihao Zhu, Alex and Atanasov, Nikolay and Daniilidis, Kostas},
title = {Event-Based Visual Inertial Odometry},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {July},
year = {2017}