4D Human Body Correspondences From Panoramic Depth Maps

Zhong Li, Minye Wu, Wangyiteng Zhou, Jingyi Yu; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 2877-2886


The availability of affordable 3D full body reconstruction systems has given rise to free-viewpoint video (FVV) of human avatars. Most existing solutions produce temporally uncorrelated point clouds or meshes with unknown point/vertex correspondences. Individually compressing each frame is ineffective and still yields to ultra-large data sizes. We present an end-to-end deep learning scheme to establish dense shape correspondences and subsequently compress the data. Our approach uses sparse set of "panoramic" depth maps or PDMs, each emulating an inward-viewing concentric mosaics (CM). We then develop a learning-based technique to learn pixel-wise feature descriptors on PDMs. The results are fed into an autoencoder-based network for compression. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate our solution is robust and effective on both public and our newly captured datasets.

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author = {Li, Zhong and Wu, Minye and Zhou, Wangyiteng and Yu, Jingyi},
title = {4D Human Body Correspondences From Panoramic Depth Maps},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2018}