Onboard Stereo Vision for Drone Pursuit or Sense and Avoid
Cevahir Cigla, Rohan Thakker, Larry Matthies; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2018, pp. 625-633
We describe a new, on-board, short range perception system that enables micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) to detect, track, and follow or avoid nearby drones (within 2-20 meters) in GPS-denied environments. Each vehicle is able to sense its neighborhood and adapt its motion accordingly without use of centralized reasoning or inter-vehicle communication. To enable a lightweight, low power solution, on-board stereo cameras are used for detection and tracking with depth maps, while a downward-looking camera and an inertial measurement unit are used to estimate the position of the observer without use of GPS. We illustrate the robustness and accuracy of this approach through real-time, outdoor leader-follower experiments with three different quadrotors. Our experiments show that state-of-art trackers are far less robust in detection against cluttered background. This demonstrates that stereo vision is a highly effective approach to perception for safe navigation of multiple MAVs in close proximity.
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author = {Cigla, Cevahir and Thakker, Rohan and Matthies, Larry},
title = {Onboard Stereo Vision for Drone Pursuit or Sense and Avoid},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
month = {June},
year = {2018}