Higher Order Matching for Consistent Multiple Target Tracking
Chetan Arora, Amir Globerson; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013, pp. 177-184
This paper addresses the data assignment problem in multi frame multi object tracking in video sequences. Traditional methods employing maximum weight bipartite matching offer limited temporal modeling. It has recently been shown [6, 8, 24] that incorporating higher order temporal constraints improves the assignment solution. Finding maximum weight matching with higher order constraints is however NP-hard and the solutions proposed until now have either been greedy [8] or rely on greedy rounding of the solution obtained from spectral techniques [15]. We propose a novel algorithm to find the approximate solution to data assignment problem with higher order temporal constraints using the method of dual decomposition and the MPLP message passing algorithm [21]. We compare the proposed algorithm with an implementation of [8] and [15] and show that proposed technique provides better solution with a bound on approximation factor for each inferred solution.
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author = {Arora, Chetan and Globerson, Amir},
title = {Higher Order Matching for Consistent Multiple Target Tracking},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2013}