Globally Optimal 2D-3D Registration From Points or Lines Without Correspondences
Mark Brown, David Windridge, Jean-Yves Guillemaut; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 2111-2119
We present a novel approach to 2D-3D registration from points or lines without correspondences. While there exist established solutions in the case where correspondences are known, there are many situations where it is not possible to reliably extract such correspondences across modalities, thus requiring the use of a correspondence-free registration algorithm. Existing correspondence-free methods rely on local search strategies and consequently have no guarantee of finding the optimal solution. In contrast, we present the first globally optimal approach to 2D-3D registration without correspondences, achieved by a Branch-and-Bound algorithm. Furthermore, a deterministic annealing procedure is proposed to speed up the nested branch-and-bound algorithm used. The theoretical and practical advantages this brings are demonstrated on a range of synthetic and real data where it is observed that the proposed approach is significantly more robust to high proportions of outliers compared to existing approaches.
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author = {Brown, Mark and Windridge, David and Guillemaut, Jean-Yves},
title = {Globally Optimal 2D-3D Registration From Points or Lines Without Correspondences},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}