SpeDo: 6 DOF Ego-Motion Sensor Using Speckle Defocus Imaging

Kensei Jo, Mohit Gupta, Shree K. Nayar; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 4319-4327


Sensors that measure their motion with respect to the surrounding environment (ego-motion sensors) can be broadly classified into two categories. First is inertial sensors such as accelerometers. In order to estimate position and velocity, these sensors integrate the measured acceleration, which often results in accumulation of large errors over time. Second, camera-based approaches such as SLAM that can measure position directly, but their performance depends on the surrounding scene's properties. These approaches cannot function reliably if the scene has low frequency textures or small depth variations. We present a novel ego-motion sensor called SpeDo that addresses these fundamental limitations. SpeDo is based on using coherent light sources and cameras with large defocus. Coherent light, on interacting with a scene, creates a high frequency interferometric pattern in the captured images, called speckle. We develop a theoretical model for speckle flow (motion of speckle as a function of sensor motion), and show that it is quasi-invariant to surrounding scene's properties. As a result, SpeDo can measure ego-motion (not derivative of motion) simply by estimating optical flow at a few image locations. We have built a low-cost and compact hardware prototype of SpeDo and demonstrated high precision 6 DOF ego-motion estimation for complex trajectories in scenarios where the scene properties are challenging (e.g., repeating or no texture) as well as unknown.

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author = {Jo, Kensei and Gupta, Mohit and Nayar, Shree K.},
title = {SpeDo: 6 DOF Ego-Motion Sensor Using Speckle Defocus Imaging},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}