As-Rigid-As-Possible Volumetric Shape-From-Template

Shaifali Parashar, Daniel Pizarro, Adrien Bartoli, Toby Collins; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 891-899


The objective of Shape-from-Template (SfT) is to infer an object's shape from a single image and a 3D object tem- plate. Existing methods are called thin-shell SfT as they represent the object by its outer surface. This may be an open surface for thin objects such as a piece of paper or a closed surface for thicker objects such as a ball. We pro- pose volumetric SfT, which specifically handles objects of the latter kind. Volumetric SfT uses the object's full volume to express the deformation constraints and reconstructs the object's surface and interior deformation. This is a chal- lenging problem because for opaque objects, only a part of the outer surface is visible in the image. Inspired by mesh- editing techniques, we use an As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) deformation model that softly imposes local rigidity. We formalise ARAP isometric SfT as a constrained variational optimisation problem which we solve using iterative opti- misation. We present strategies to find an initial solution based on thin-shell SfT and volume propagation. Experi- ments with synthetic and real data show that our method has a typical maximum relative error of 5% in reconstruct- ing the deformation of an entire object, including its back and interior for which no visual data is available.

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author = {Parashar, Shaifali and Pizarro, Daniel and Bartoli, Adrien and Collins, Toby},
title = {As-Rigid-As-Possible Volumetric Shape-From-Template},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}