Dynamic Texture Recognition via Orthogonal Tensor Dictionary Learning

Yuhui Quan, Yan Huang, Hui Ji; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 73-81


Dynamic textures (DTs) are video sequences with stationary properties, which exhibit repetitive patterns over space and time. This paper aims at investigating the sparse coding based approach to characterizing local DT patterns for recognition. Owing to the high dimensionality of DT sequences, existing dictionary learning algorithms are not suitable for our purpose due to their high computational costs as well as poor scalability. To overcome these obstacles, we proposed a structured tensor dictionary learning method for sparse coding, which learns a dictionary structured with orthogonality and separability. The proposed method is very fast and more scalable to high-dimensional data than the existing ones. In addition, based on the proposed dictionary learning method, a DT descriptor is developed, which has better adaptivity, discriminability and scalability than the existing approaches. These advantages are demonstrated by the experiments on multiple datasets.

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author = {Quan, Yuhui and Huang, Yan and Ji, Hui},
title = {Dynamic Texture Recognition via Orthogonal Tensor Dictionary Learning},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}