Adaptive Dither Voting for Robust Spatial Verification
Xiaomeng Wu, Kunio Kashino; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 1877-1885
Hough voting in a geometric transformation space allows us to realize spatial verification, but remains sensitive to feature detection errors because of the inflexible quantization of single feature correspondences. To handle this problem, we propose a new method, called adaptive dither voting, for robust spatial verification. For each correspondence, instead of hard-mapping it to a single transformation, the method augments its description by using multiple dithered transformations that are deterministically generated by the other correspondences. The method reduces the probability of losing correspondences during transformation quantization, and provides high robustness as regards mismatches by imposing three geometric constraints on the dithering process. We also propose exploiting the non-uniformity of a Hough histogram as the spatial similarity to handle multiple matching surfaces. Extensive experiments conducted on four datasets show the superiority of our method. The method outperforms its state-of-the-art counterparts in both accuracy and scalability, especially when it comes to the retrieval of small, rotated objects.
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author = {Wu, Xiaomeng and Kashino, Kunio},
title = {Adaptive Dither Voting for Robust Spatial Verification},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}