Persistent Tracking for Wide Area Aerial Surveillance

Jan Prokaj, Gerard Medioni; Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014, pp. 1186-1193


Persistent surveillance of large geographic areas from unmanned aerial vehicles allows us to learn much about the daily activities in the region of interest. Nearly all of the approaches addressing tracking in this imagery are detection-based and rely on background subtraction or frame differencing to provide detections. This, however, makes it difficult to track targets once they slow down or stop, which is not acceptable for persistent tracking, our goal. We present a multiple target tracking approach that does not exclusively rely on background subtraction and is better able to track targets through stops. It accomplishes this by effectively running two trackers in parallel: one based on detections from background subtraction providing target initialization and reacquisition, and one based on a target state regressor providing frame to frame tracking. We evaluated the proposed approach on a long sequence from a wide area aerial imagery dataset, and the results show improved object detection rates and ID-switch rates with limited increases in false alarms compared to the competition.

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author = {Prokaj, Jan and Medioni, Gerard},
title = {Persistent Tracking for Wide Area Aerial Surveillance},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2014}