Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars From Monocular RGB Videos

Ziqian Bai, Feitong Tan, Zeng Huang, Kripasindhu Sarkar, Danhang Tang, Di Qiu, Abhimitra Meka, Ruofei Du, Mingsong Dou, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Rohit Pandey, Ping Tan, Thabo Beeler, Sean Fanello, Yinda Zhang; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023, pp. 16890-16900


We propose a method to learn a high-quality implicit 3D head avatar from a monocular RGB video captured in the wild. The learnt avatar is driven by a parametric face model to achieve user-controlled facial expressions and head poses. Our hybrid pipeline combines the geometry prior and dynamic tracking of a 3DMM with a neural radiance field to achieve fine-grained control and photorealism. To reduce over-smoothing and improve out-of-model expressions synthesis, we propose to predict local features anchored on the 3DMM geometry. These learnt features are driven by 3DMM deformation and interpolated in 3D space to yield the volumetric radiance at a designated query point. We further show that using a Convolutional Neural Network in the UV space is critical in incorporating spatial context and producing representative local features. Extensive experiments show that we are able to reconstruct high-quality avatars, with more accurate expression-dependent details, good generalization to out-of-training expressions, and quantitatively superior renderings compared to other state-of-the-art approaches.

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@InProceedings{Bai_2023_CVPR, author = {Bai, Ziqian and Tan, Feitong and Huang, Zeng and Sarkar, Kripasindhu and Tang, Danhang and Qiu, Di and Meka, Abhimitra and Du, Ruofei and Dou, Mingsong and Orts-Escolano, Sergio and Pandey, Rohit and Tan, Ping and Beeler, Thabo and Fanello, Sean and Zhang, Yinda}, title = {Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars From Monocular RGB Videos}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2023}, pages = {16890-16900} }