DriveWorld: 4D Pre-trained Scene Understanding via World Models for Autonomous Driving

Chen Min, Dawei Zhao, Liang Xiao, Jian Zhao, Xinli Xu, Zheng Zhu, Lei Jin, Jianshu Li, Yulan Guo, Junliang Xing, Liping Jing, Yiming Nie, Bin Dai; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024, pp. 15522-15533


Vision-centric autonomous driving has recently raised wide attention due to its lower cost. Pre-training is essential for extracting a universal representation. However current vision-centric pre-training typically relies on either 2D or 3D pre-text tasks overlooking the temporal characteristics of autonomous driving as a 4D scene understanding task. In this paper we address this challenge by introducing a world model-based autonomous driving 4D representation learning framework dubbed DriveWorld which is capable of pre-training from multi-camera driving videos in a spatio-temporal fashion. Specifically we propose a Memory State-Space Model for spatio-temporal modelling which consists of a Dynamic Memory Bank module for learning temporal-aware latent dynamics to predict future changes and a Static Scene Propagation module for learning spatial-aware latent statics to offer comprehensive scene contexts. We additionally introduce a Task Prompt to decouple task-aware features for various downstream tasks. The experiments demonstrate that DriveWorld delivers promising results on various autonomous driving tasks. When pre-trained with the OpenScene dataset DriveWorld achieves a 7.5% increase in mAP for 3D object detection a 3.0% increase in IoU for online mapping a 5.0% increase in AMOTA for multi-object tracking a 0.1m decrease in minADE for motion forecasting a 3.0% increase in IoU for occupancy prediction and a 0.34m reduction in average L2 error for planning.

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@InProceedings{Min_2024_CVPR, author = {Min, Chen and Zhao, Dawei and Xiao, Liang and Zhao, Jian and Xu, Xinli and Zhu, Zheng and Jin, Lei and Li, Jianshu and Guo, Yulan and Xing, Junliang and Jing, Liping and Nie, Yiming and Dai, Bin}, title = {DriveWorld: 4D Pre-trained Scene Understanding via World Models for Autonomous Driving}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {15522-15533} }