Retina : Low-Power Eye Tracking with Event Camera and Spiking Hardware

Pietro Bonazzi, Sizhen Bian, Giovanni Lippolis, Yawei Li, Sadique Sheik, Michele Magno; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2024, pp. 5684-5692


This paper introduces a neuromorphic dataset and methodology for eye tracking harnessing event data cap- tured streamed continuously by a Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS). The framework integrates a directly trained Spiking Neuron Network (SNN) regression model and leverages a state-of-the-art low power edge neuromorphic processor - Speck. First it introduces a representative event-based eye- tracking dataset "Ini-30" which was collected with two glass-mounted DVS cameras from thirty volunteers. Then a SNN model based on Integrate And Fire (IAF) neurons named "Retina" is described featuring only 64k param- eters (6.63x fewer than 3ET) and achieving pupil tracking error of only 3.24 pixels in a 64x64 DVS input. The con- tinuous regression output is obtained by means of tempo- ral convolution using a non-spiking 1D filter slided across the output spiking layer over time. Retina is evaluated on the neuromorphic processor showing an end-to-end power between 2.89-4.8 mW and a latency of 5.57-8.01 ms de- pendent on the time to slice the event-based video record- ing. The model is more precise than the latest event-based eye-tracking method "3ET" on Ini-30 and shows compa- rable performance with significant model compression (35 times fewer MAC operations) in the synthetic dataset used in "3ET". We hope this work will open avenues for further investigation of close-loop neuromorphic solutions and true event-based training pursuing edge performance.

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@InProceedings{Bonazzi_2024_CVPR, author = {Bonazzi, Pietro and Bian, Sizhen and Lippolis, Giovanni and Li, Yawei and Sheik, Sadique and Magno, Michele}, title = {Retina : Low-Power Eye Tracking with Event Camera and Spiking Hardware}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {5684-5692} }