Searching for Two-Stream Models in Multivariate Space for Video Recognition

Xinyu Gong, Heng Wang, Mike Zheng Shou, Matt Feiszli, Zhangyang Wang, Zhicheng Yan; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, pp. 8033-8042


Conventional video models rely on a single stream to capture the complex spatial-temporal features. Recent work on two-stream video models, such as SlowFast network and AssembleNet, prescribe separate streams to learn complementary features, and achieve stronger performance. However, manually designing both streams as well as the in-between fusion blocks is a daunting task, requiring to explore a tremendously large design space. Such manual exploration is time-consuming and often ends up with sub-optimal architectures when computational resources are limited and the exploration is insufficient. In this work, we present a pragmatic neural architecture search approach, which is able to search for two-stream video models in giant spaces efficiently. We design a multivariate search space, including 6 search variables to capture a wide variety of choices in designing two-stream models. Furthermore, we propose a progressive search procedure, by searching for the architecture of individual streams, fusion blocks and attention blocks one after the other. We demonstrate two-stream models with significantly better performance can be automatically discovered in our design space. Our searched two-stream models, namely Auto-TSNet, consistently outperform other models on standard benchmarks. On Kinetics, compared with the SlowFast model, our Auto-TSNet-L model reduces FLOPS by nearly 11 times while achieving the same accuracy 78.9%. On Something-Something-V2, Auto-TSNet-M improves the accuracy by at least 2% over other methods which use less than 50 GFLOPS per video.

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@InProceedings{Gong_2021_ICCV, author = {Gong, Xinyu and Wang, Heng and Shou, Mike Zheng and Feiszli, Matt and Wang, Zhangyang and Yan, Zhicheng}, title = {Searching for Two-Stream Models in Multivariate Space for Video Recognition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {October}, year = {2021}, pages = {8033-8042} }