[bibtex]@InProceedings{Sun_2023_WACV, author = {Sun, YuYang and Zhang, ZhiYong and Echizen, Isao and Nguyen, Huy H. and Qiu, ChangZhen and Sun, Lu}, title = {Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Workshops}, month = {January}, year = {2023}, pages = {633-642} }
Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series
Deep-learning-based technologies such as deepfakes ones have been attracting widespread attention in both society and academia, particularly ones used to synthesize forged face images. These automatic and professional-skill-free face manipulation technologies can be used to replace the face in an original image or video with any target object while maintaining the expression and demeanor. Since human faces are closely related to identity characteristics, maliciously disseminated identity manipulated videos could trigger a crisis of public trust in the media and could even have serious political, social, and legal implications. To effectively detect manipulated videos, we focus on the position offset in the face blending process, resulting from the forced affine transformation of the normalized forged face. We introduce a method for detecting manipulated videos that is based on the trajectory of the facial region displacement. Specifically, we develop a virtual-anchor-based method for extracting the facial trajectory, which can robustly represent displacement information. This information was used to construct a network for exposing multidimensional artifacts in the trajectory sequences of manipulated videos that is based on dual-stream spatial-temporal graph attention and a gated recurrent unit backbone. Testing of our method on various manipulation datasets demonstrated that its accuracy and generalization ability is competitive with that of the leading detection methods.
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