Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction

Minsu Kim, Jaewon Lee, Byeonghun Lee, Sunghoon Im, Kyong Hwan Jin; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024, pp. 4087-4096


Existing frameworks for image stitching often provide visually reasonable stitchings. However, they suffer from blurry artifacts and disparities in illumination, depth level, etc. Although the recent learning-based stitchings relax such disparities, the required methods impose sacrifice of image qualities failing to capture high-frequency details for stitched images. To address the problem, we propose a novel approach, implicit Neural Image Stitching (NIS) that extends arbitrary-scale super-resolution. Our method estimates Fourier coefficients of images for quality-enhancing warps. Then, the suggested model blends color mismatches and misalignment in the latent space and decodes the features into RGB values of stitched images. Our experiments show that our approach achieves improvement in resolving the low-definition imaging of the previous deep image stitching with favorable accelerated image-enhancing methods. Our source code is available at

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[pdf] [arXiv]
@InProceedings{Kim_2024_WACV, author = {Kim, Minsu and Lee, Jaewon and Lee, Byeonghun and Im, Sunghoon and Jin, Kyong Hwan}, title = {Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, month = {January}, year = {2024}, pages = {4087-4096} }