Trident Dehazing Network
Jing Liu, Haiyan Wu, Yuan Xie, Yanyun Qu, Lizhuang Ma; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2020, pp. 430-431
Most existing dehazing methods are not robust to nonhomogeneous haze. Meanwhile, the information of dense haze region is usually unknown and hard to estimate, leading to blurry in dehaze result for those regions. Focusing on these two issues, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine model, namely Trident Dehazing Network (TDN), to learn the hazy to hazy-free image mapping with automatic haze density recognition. In detail, TDN is composed of three sub-nets: the Encoder-Decoder Net (EDN) is the main net of TDN to reconstruct the coarse hazy-free feature; the Detail Refinement sub-Net (DRN) helps to refine the high frequency details that was easily lost in the pooling layers in the encoder; and the Haze Density Map Generation sub-Net (HDMGN) can automatically distinguish the thick haze region with thin one, preventing over-dehazing or under-dehazing in regions of different haze density. Moreover, we propose a frequency domain loss function to make supervision of different frequency band more uniform. Extensive experimental results on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that our proposed TDN outperforms the state-of-the-arts with better fidelity and perceptual, generalizing well on both dense haze and nonhomogeneous haze scene. Our method won the first place in NTIRE2020 nonhomogeneous dehazing challenge.
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author = {Liu, Jing and Wu, Haiyan and Xie, Yuan and Qu, Yanyun and Ma, Lizhuang},
title = {Trident Dehazing Network},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
month = {June},
year = {2020}