One-2-3-45++: Fast Single Image to 3D Objects with Consistent Multi-View Generation and 3D Diffusion

Minghua Liu, Ruoxi Shi, Linghao Chen, Zhuoyang Zhang, Chao Xu, Xinyue Wei, Hansheng Chen, Chong Zeng, Jiayuan Gu, Hao Su; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024, pp. 10072-10083


Recent advancements in open-world 3D object generation have been remarkable with image-to-3D methods offering superior fine-grained control over their text-to-3D counterparts. However most existing models fall short in simultaneously providing rapid generation speeds and high fidelity to input images - two features essential for practical applications. In this paper we present One-2-3-45++ an innovative method that transforms a single image into a detailed 3D textured mesh in approximately one minute. Our approach aims to fully harness the extensive knowledge embedded in 2D diffusion models and priors from valuable yet limited 3D data. This is achieved by initially finetuning a 2D diffusion model for consistent multi-view image generation followed by elevating these images to 3D with the aid of multi-view-conditioned 3D native diffusion models. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our method can produce high-quality diverse 3D assets that closely mirror the original input image.

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@InProceedings{Liu_2024_CVPR, author = {Liu, Minghua and Shi, Ruoxi and Chen, Linghao and Zhang, Zhuoyang and Xu, Chao and Wei, Xinyue and Chen, Hansheng and Zeng, Chong and Gu, Jiayuan and Su, Hao}, title = {One-2-3-45++: Fast Single Image to 3D Objects with Consistent Multi-View Generation and 3D Diffusion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2024}, pages = {10072-10083} }