[bibtex]@InProceedings{Tang_2024_WACV, author = {Tang, Chi Ian and Qendro, Lorena and Spathis, Dimitris and Kawsar, Fahim and Mascolo, Cecilia and Mathur, Akhil}, title = {Kaizen: Practical Self-Supervised Continual Learning With Continual Fine-Tuning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, month = {January}, year = {2024}, pages = {2841-2850} }
Kaizen: Practical Self-Supervised Continual Learning With Continual Fine-Tuning
Self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown remarkable performance in computer vision tasks when trained offline. However, in a Continual Learning (CL) scenario where new data is introduced progressively, models still suffer from catastrophic forgetting. Retraining a model from scratch to adapt to newly generated data is time-consuming and inefficient. Previous approaches suggested re-purposing self-supervised objectives with knowledge distillation to mitigate forgetting across tasks, assuming that labels from all tasks are available during fine-tuning. In this paper, we generalize self-supervised continual learning in a practical setting where available labels can be leveraged in any step of the SSL process. With an increasing number of continual tasks, this offers more flexibility in the pre-training and fine-tuning phases. With Kaizen, we introduce a training architecture that is able to mitigate catastrophic forgetting for both the feature extractor and classifier with a carefully designed loss function. By using a set of comprehensive evaluation metrics reflecting different aspects of continual learning, we demonstrated that Kaizen significantly outperforms previous SSL models in competitive vision benchmarks, with up to 16.5% accuracy improvement on split CIFAR-100. Kaizen is able to balance the trade-off between knowledge retention and learning from new data with an end-to-end model, paving the way for practical deployment of continual learning systems.
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